Truth: Day 12 – No Compliment

What you perceive, your observations, feelings, interpretations, are all your truth. Your truth is important. Yet it is not The Truth. ~ Linda Ellinor

Day 12 → Something you never get compliments on.

Something I never get complimented is my stellar follow-thru–and for good reason! It’s true–I have none. (Clearly.  It’s been how long since I wrote  my last “Truth” post?) I start all kinds of projects and don’t keep up with them. Crochet projects, books, gardening, exercise, school, writing…

The list goes on and on.

Oh well…I sure enjoy doing the things I do while I am doing them.  And I am trying to improve.  Like, you know, writing something here.  However minimal and uninteresting it is.


Baby steps, right?

Seriously though…I’m having a bit of a low day. Got the Drop last night but Ad gave me snuggles and sex, so I’m not feeling the sharp pokie edges of that so much, but  I still have a lack of energy. feeling tired. Kinda…beat up.

Oh wait, I am beat up. I forget that when you get “beat up” in that yummy good BDSM way, you’re still getting beat up. Your body is still getting pounded, still getting the shit kicked out of it, still getting abused. And…the next day or so, no matter how joyful it is to be reminded of all that yummy hurty fun, your body aches, your body is sore, and you feel like…

Hell, like you got a beating.

But damn…I’m okay with that. Bring it on baby!

But later.  Right now? Right now I would love a hot cocoa and a warm blankie and some nice warm male arms to curl into.

I am thinking about trying to schedule a two-or-three day stay-over at W’s though before he leaves again for NY.  I’ve got things scheduled for right after he gets back that are going to preclude any fucktoy/bondage-babe/impact or pain play for a bit, and I’d love to live inside that fucked-up world, abused, beaten and fucked mindless for a few days before we have to go back to being careful with me.

Whatcha say, W?  Think we could manage that? ;-)

One Response to Truth: Day 12 – No Compliment

  1. […] reading about another blogger’s “blogiversary,” and my own “I have no follow-through” post over on A Poly Life,  I was inspired to take a closer look at my blog, and to do some evaluating […]

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