Another Tiggerism

I just got back from lunch with the “Professor”, the guy I met at Subway a few weeks ago. I met him at the park and I had brought Ad’s “Tao of Pooh” book with me to read while I waited for his arrival. He remarked on the book about halfway through lunch, so I told him how Ad had said he wanted to see more Pooh in me by the end of the week.  Cocking his head at me he said, “But you strike me as more of a Tigger…”  I just laughed.

Where we had lunch is this gorgeous spot atop what’s known as Art Hill.  It overlooks a long sweep of lawn that leads down to the Basin, a large pond with fountains. It really is a strikingly beautiful spot, with views out over the vastness of Forest Park and a sky so baby blue it was almost painful to look at. I’d forgotten how much I enjoy that spot, and going to the Art Museum occasionally at lunch. Forgot!!  How could I do that?

New Tigger weekly goal: go to lunch in one beautiful spot per week.

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