Happiness is…

So, in my first attempt to honor my inner Tigger (grin) I thought I’d post the things that have made me happy today.

Last night I beat Ad at cribbage.  (insert big, cheesy grin) This is how we spent every morning of our cruise last year:

Scrabble 2Every morning we played Scrabble and/or cribbage in this little hidden-away alcove, our own special spot, drinking coffee and looking out at the waves.

And he beat me, every single time. Gah!  Bastard!  Hehe.  What a great time it was.

We had a great game last night. Very close, just the way I prefer them. But I still won. (Again with the cheesy-ass grin.)

We BBQ’d chicken on the patio and drank wine and talked and enjoyed each other’s company. We got fun little texts from our gf and talked about life and love and cribbage and what makes us happy.

I threw a ball for Cooper and he actually brought it back and dropped it at my feet every time.

I ran yesterday.

Life is good.

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